Welcome to Vendor Self Service

Log in or register as a user to begin using Vendor Self Service
Welcome to Vendor Self Service (VSS), making it easier to do business with Garrett County Government! VSS gives existing and potential vendors access to their personal information and records online in five (5) easy steps. Vendors have the ability to submit electronic bids, view purchase orders, invoices and Accounts Payable payments and update their profile, address, contact information and commodities. To begin registration, select the Vendor Registration tab to your left. Note: A W-9 must be completed and attached to the VSS application before access will be granted or payments received from Garrett County Government. A blank W-9 Form can be downloaded for completion from the Resource Tab located at the top right hand side of the screen. Existing vendors will need their vendor number (previously provided by the County) and Federal ID/Social Security Number to access VSS and update existing information. If you experience log-in trouble, please email purchasing@garrettcounty.org.